1. The build-out line shall be placed across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line.
2. The opposing team must move behind the build-out line for a goal kick or when thegoalkeeper has possession. (Note: BOL does NOT apply to Free Kicks taken by the defending team behind the BOL. LOTG Law 13 still mandates that for Free Kicks taken within a team own penalty area, all opponents must be outside on the penalty area and 10 yards from the ball until the ball is put into play)
3. The player taking the goal kick does not have to wait for opposing players to move behind the build-out line to put the ball into play. The goal kick may be played to either side of the buildout line. The ball is in play after the ball is kicked and clearly moves, after which the opposing team may cross the build-out line. If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is in play and interferes with the goal kick, the kick is retaken. (Note: Be aware that the players do NOT need to wait for the ball to leave the penalty area before they can cross the BOL)
4. The goalkeeper in possession of the ball in their hands does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build out line to release the ball. The ball may be released to either side of the build out line, after which the opposing team may cross the build out line. If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is released and interferes with play, an indirect free kick is awarded to the goal keepers team at the point where the opponent crossed the build out line.
5. The build-out line in the opponents' half of the field shall be used as the line to determine offside. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build-out line.