Tie breakers to determine placement for pool seating and pool play will be as follows:
2.1. Head to Head
2.2. Most goals for (up to 3 point differential)
2.3. Coin toss or playoff game (per the discretion of the Commissioner)
2.4. A Tie is an acceptable result for League games and shall be recorded as such. No-overtime play is required for League games.
3.1. If a tie exists at the end of regulation play and a winner is required, then two (2) full overtime periods shall be played to determine a winner. Overtime periods shall be in accordance with Section 3.2. NOTE: This is NOT sudden victory overtime
3.1.1. The team with the most goals at the end of the two (2) overtime periods shall be declared the winner.
3.1.2. Teams playing short in regulation time play as a result of ejection(s), shall continue to do so in overtime.
3.1.3. The teams shall change ends of the field after the completion of the first overtime period. No half-time break will be permitted, i.e. play in the second overtime period must begin immediately.
3.2. The length of overtime play shall be:
3.2.1. Two (2) seven (7) minute periods for U12
3.2.2. Two (2) five (5) minute periods for U10
3.3. Should a tie remain after the completion of the two (2) overtime periods, a winner shall be determined by a Shoot-Out (taking of kicks from the Penalty Mark in accordance with FIFA Law).
3.3.1. Player's on the field at the end of the second overtime period may take part in the Shoot-Out, and none of these players may be exempted from the taking of a kick, should the number of kicks required to determine a winner, warrant their participation.
3.3.2. The referee chooses the goal at which the kicks will be taken.
3.3.3. The referee tosses a coin and the team whose captain wins the toss decides whether to take the first or the second kick
3.3.4. The referee keeps a record of the kicks being taken.
3.3.5. Subject to the conditions explained below, both teams take five kicks.
3.3.6. The kicks are taken alternately by the teams.
3.3.7. If, before both teams have taken five kicks, one has scored more goals than the other could score, even if it were to complete its five kicks, no more kicks are taken.
3.3.8. If, after both teams have taken five kicks, both have scored the same number of goals, or have not scored any goals, kicks continue to be taken in the same order until one team has scored a goal more than the other from the same number of kicks.
3.3.9. A goalkeeper who is injured while kicks are being taken from the penalty mark and is unable to continue as goalkeeper may be replaced by a named substitute provided his team has not used the maximum number of substitutes permitted under the competition rules.
With the exception of the foregoing case, only players who are on the field of play at the end of the match, which includes extra time where appropriate, are allowed to take kicks from the penalty mark.
Each kick is taken by a different player and all eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick.
An eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper at any time when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.
Only the eligible players and match officials are permitted to remain on the field of play when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.
All players, except the player taking the kick and the two goalkeepers, must remain within the centre circle.
The goalkeeper who is the team-mate of the kicker must remain on the field of play, outside the penalty area in which the kicks are being taken, on the goal line where it meets the penalty area boundary line.
Unless otherwise stated, the relevant Laws of the Game and International F.A. Board Decisions apply when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.